Back with a bang – News news news!

This beautiful book is now out. You can find it on Amazon .  This is a collection of poems I have written over the years. I loved putting this together so much. I think it would make a very good present in general for anything. It can also be a good coffee table book or a…

Food in Books

Hello again, Have I told you I am so glad to have found my reading mojo back? It has been amazing, truly. I now read books and find books recommended within books. Sometimes a slight reference to another book or author which then leads to an endless list of books after books. I feel like…

2021 June and Jane

Hello there, I have neglected my blog. Doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing though. I have. I have written many poems and I have also been doing plenty of reading. How has lockdown 2021 been for you? I have tried to make the most of mine. 2021 has been a little hectic and much less…

Insomniac, nostalgic and other things.

It’s 4 am. Am I insomniac? I don’t think so. I think my sleep pattern has gone wrong. I can sleep during the day but when night comes I seem to be wide awake. A lot of you have been enquiring either via direct messages or though common friends and/or my parents about my whereabouts….

Short Stories List 5

Good Morning, Pinch and Punch for the first day of the month. I hope your weekend included some nice food, people and times. I mean not so much people physically but I hope you were able to connect somehow, through letters, emails, phones. Mine was quiet. I got some reading done and I have been…

Short Stories List 4

Good Morning all, I hope you have all had a great week. The past week has been busy. New projects on the way and I’ll try to keep you informed about it. Here are five more short stories for you to dive into this week. I will try to update the blog weekly as much…

Mental Health – trendy or what ?

Since COVID I have seen an increase in social media posts in my circle on mental health. I think that this is great. However, how many of us are actually having conversations around this ? I get frustrated when I see people post pictures and words on this matter, yet they lack to show support…

Short Stories List 3

And it’s Monday again… Hope your weekend was lovely.  Mine went by swiftly. It’s been getting busier, as a home owner, with the cold weather comes so many responsibilities in the house that you hadn’t thought of and also can no longer put it off unless you are happy suffering. I managed to get a…

Short Stories List 2

Good morning, and a pinch and a punch for the first day of the month. It’s February already – this year is truly off and running. Lot has happened over the last few weeks. Mother caught Covid and it was very stressful for us all. I then injured by back and ribs somehow and have…

Short stories list 1

Last night I was talking to my best friend about getting our reading mojos back. It seemed that we were not the only ones who had lost ours. A lot people seemed to have lost their connections with books too, without realizing I think a lot of us were making our way toward depression. It…

Doing Life VII

End of year. Making lemonades out of lemons. Don’t have words flowing out at the moment. Thought stocktaking would be best. See how you have fared too. Go on , do one for yourself! Making: Art. Poems. Stories. Cooking: Wintery food. Pies. Jaulo. Stews. Sipping: Red wine. Lots of it. And Champagne it’s that time…

Doing Life VI

A lot has happened. My husband’s favorite uncle in the whole world passed away. We attended the funeral. We held Zoom meetings and memorial services for him. We celebrated his life. I spoke to my brother about all the current things happening. I haven’t seen him for a while and I miss him. I heard…