Back with a bang – News news news!

This beautiful book is now out. You can find it on Amazon .  This is a collection of poems I have written over the years. I loved putting this together so much. I think it would make a very good present in general for anything. It can also be a good coffee table book or a…

Awakening the pain

Nepali short fiction story translated by me This short fiction story by Sanju Nepal Bajgain is a must-read. It portrays the reality of many Nepali women who face daily emotional abuse from their narcissistic husbands. I have translated this story into English, but it may not capture all the nuances of the original Nepali version….

Food in Books

Hello again, Have I told you I am so glad to have found my reading mojo back? It has been amazing, truly. I now read books and find books recommended within books. Sometimes a slight reference to another book or author which then leads to an endless list of books after books. I feel like…

2021 June and Jane

Hello there, I have neglected my blog. Doesn’t mean I haven’t been writing though. I have. I have written many poems and I have also been doing plenty of reading. How has lockdown 2021 been for you? I have tried to make the most of mine. 2021 has been a little hectic and much less…

Gods must be angry

Gods love more a miserable man make him shudder make him tear is it love or is it fear that gives them glory makes them swell they will kill your lover starve your mother cripple your father you will too kill a father separate a kid from its mother starve your own brother offer at…

Tell me about yourself

Poet Writer Storyteller Red wine drinker Gimlet Martini Gibson pretty much anything with a gin base amateur dancer party organiser giver of love and a great listener ‘people love to be around her’ creative thinker extravangant dresser as much I can


On Thursdays I count down moments until it’s three thirty and I open a bottle of Red I have this particular glass I like to drink from Sometimes I use my goblet Drink deeply the sweet richness that flavours my mouth and turns into fire as it runs along my viens igniting tiny flames

Words that inspired me in some ways ~ 2020

You are a mix between Tim Burton and Black Mirror I am brininging you a cake I wanna frame it and stick it on my wall Oh I have witchy vibes all day, everyday I want another poem Santa’s come to visit aka Sweeda

Insomniac, nostalgic and other things.

It’s 4 am. Am I insomniac? I don’t think so. I think my sleep pattern has gone wrong. I can sleep during the day but when night comes I seem to be wide awake. A lot of you have been enquiring either via direct messages or though common friends and/or my parents about my whereabouts….

Short Stories List 5

Good Morning, Pinch and Punch for the first day of the month. I hope your weekend included some nice food, people and times. I mean not so much people physically but I hope you were able to connect somehow, through letters, emails, phones. Mine was quiet. I got some reading done and I have been…

Short Stories List 4

Good Morning all, I hope you have all had a great week. The past week has been busy. New projects on the way and I’ll try to keep you informed about it. Here are five more short stories for you to dive into this week. I will try to update the blog weekly as much…

Mental Health – trendy or what ?

Since COVID I have seen an increase in social media posts in my circle on mental health. I think that this is great. However, how many of us are actually having conversations around this ? I get frustrated when I see people post pictures and words on this matter, yet they lack to show support…